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, by Judy Blume

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Product details
File Size: 467 KB
Print Length: 193 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1509806245
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books; New Edit/Cover edition (June 2, 2014)
Publication Date: June 2, 2014
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,419,613 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This book is narrated by Jill Brenner, a lively fifth-grader. Linda, one of her classmates, gets stuck with the nickname "Blubber"after she gives a science report on whales, even though she is not the fattest kid in the class. Led by Wendy, the nasty class "leader", the kids make Linda's life miserable-and eventually the taunting escalates into actual violence. Jill joins in-although not wholeheartedly-and the climax of the story occurs when she is forced to choose between hurting Linda and doing the right thing. This is an excellently crafted story. Ms Blume accurately catches the speech patterns and actions of everyday kids, and she also creates a counterweight to the disturbing aspects of this story with scenes from Jill's life. These chapters are very funny; and they are filled with memorable characters. These vignettes keep the story from becoming relentlessly depressing. Although this book was intended for a youthful audience, I feel it is interesting and substantial enough for adults as well.
This has been one of my favorite books since childhood. Bullying is a hot topic right now and even though this older book doesn't address cyber-bullying, it does show what bullying can look like, and how even a "nice" kid can get sucked into bullying. It also shows how easy the tables can turn and the bullier becomes the victim. It is an honest look at how our behavior can affect others and can be a good conversation starter. I would recommend this mosty for middle-school kids (4-7th grade)
This is a story about how a group of 5th grade girls bully one gal who innocently does a report for her class on whales. She is about 20 pounds overweight, so the mean girls take advantage of her report to demean and humiliate her every chance they get. Although this was written quite some time ago, bullying still takes place, although in more subtle, but just as harmful ways. I suggest it as a good book for kids to help them understand empathy--what is it like to BE that bullied child and more...what can another do to stop it?
I bought this book because I remembered reading it during fifth grade and loving it and think it was edgy due to the light use of profanity. While it does seem a little unrealistic now, it’s a good read for children between fourth and fifth grade and focuses on the topics of bullying and fat shaming.
I have read some negative reviews about this book and can't quite understand what they are complaining about. This book gives you different views of a person being bullied. Wether your apart of it, quiet in a corner, being bullied or the one the table gets turned on. Wendy did get her due justice (not the way we may have wanted), she was called out in front of her minions. By calling her out, and making the others think for themselves, stopped the tirade of this little queen and her minions. This showed children that you can speak up, and yes there will be painful repercussions but you can surpass that too. What there afraid of will happen, but this is what you can do. Not so simple, but possible. As parents we need to at times be a friend and remember what it was like as children. Doing so will help us relate better and hopefully make our children trust and feel comfortable when coming to us. I had a Wendy, a teacher who didn't like Polynesian kids, and would not do anything to My Wendy because of her father's influence. Luckily for me my family that said (those against violence will not like this, but I don't care) "if someone causes trouble to you, tell the teacher,if the teacher does nothing tell the principal and if they still don't do nothing knock em out." Well I told the teacher, I was ignored and was punished. Sent to the principals office because I reported it again and was told "she accidently hit you with a fork, she's very sorry." Humm tell that to my cracked lip, or the scars from pencils being jabbed into my arm. Enough was enough and I clocked her, her friends and her stupid guy friends. Best part was, when our families were called to meet, my family stood behind me. I knew then I was safe, and as long as I stood up for what was right, I had nothing to fear. So if you still feel I acted like a barbarian, I'll send you a picture of a 4 prong scar that was given to me by My Wendy, because I wouldn't give her my homework. This book gives you avenues to approach bullying, and hopefully opens the eyes of those who see it or are doing it. To say you want this book banned or that your child is afraid now after reading this book. It's your job to reassure them, it's your job to make sure they are not a Wendy, it's your job to educate children and adults to stop this viciousness, but it's not your job to take away the choice to read this book. Your child do as you please, but butt out on the opportunity for others to have a choice/chance. If you are a child being bullied, or even an adult, speak up, screw them and live.
I bought this as a gift for my mother. She had fond memories of reading it in school and I remembered her often speaking of it when the subject of books came up. She loved it, even though it was a bit different than she remembered it.
Moving, emotional and great book.I would recommend this book for ages 10 to 13 but this book is also enjoyable for adults to read with their older children.My mother says she loved this book as a kid and I defiantly did as well.I would defiantly recommend this book!
This book made me want it to never End!it was so good and taught a good lesson. Such a amazing book!
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