Ebook , by Annie Claydon
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, by Annie Claydon

Ebook , by Annie Claydon
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Product details
File Size: 1195 KB
Print Length: 256 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Medical Romances; Original edition (July 1, 2018)
Publication Date: July 1, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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This is such a beautifully written story, a story of love and caring and of two people who help each other out, when both need it and never thinking at the beginning that this journey will turn to a beautiful joyous and romantic HEA, I hope that you enjoy this one as much as I did.Dr Penelope (Nell) Maitland has left her job at a big hospital in England to get away from a and unpleasant boss and situation, and she has travelled to a small country to become physician to Prince Hugo DeLeon, who is a doctor himself his father has hired her to make sure that he does what is needed to get well and of course we all know that Doctors make the worst patients, but Nell is more than capable of pulling him into line.Hugo is not impressed at all that he now has a live in Doctor keeping tabs on him although she is beautiful and knows what she is doing, he feels that she is keeping something to herself and when there is a newspaper report he discovers what it is and they have two ways to cope one, he can come clean with his health issues or they have a fake engagement.This is a story that brings out the best in the hero and heroine, both are strong and caring and as they learn more about each other as they “pretend†to be engaged they also get closer, but Hugo has been through one engagement that went wrong because of him and he never wants that to happen again and it takes a bit for him to learn that being without Nell is no way to go forward. I truly loved this story the caring and attentive Hugo and Nell do make the perfect couple, and this one left me feeling very happy for them both, thank you MS Claydon for another fabulous story one that I highly recommend.
FROM DOCTOR TO PRINCESS by Annie ClaydonDr. Nell Maitland became a private physician to Dr. Hugo DeLeon. Well he was also a crown prince.Doctors make the worst patients and Dr. Hugo was no exception. With him being a prince he had to also keep his illness from getting out to far. It might insinuate that he was too weak to continue with his prince duties.Dr. Hugo was a heart doctor and he had to go in and have a pacemaker inserted.Now he is asking Dr. Nell to become his fiancee to explain her constant presence.She made sure to always stay on his left side. Dr. Hugo’s father was King of Montarino. He actually hired Dr. Nell to watch over his son.I had never read a book by Annie Claydon but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt I was right there.
I have heard that Doctors make the worst patients. This is definitely the cause in Hugo's case. Hugo doesn't want anyone to know he has had a pace fitter fitted. As a doctor he should have known the signs. Not to mention he is Prince of Montarino. He cant be seen as too weak to do his job. The king hires Dr Nell Maitland to make sure his son takes it easy. Hugo isn't the easiest patient either. When Nell's ex boss sells a story about her to the papers. They decide to fake an engagement, it will kill two birds with one stone. No one will question Nell always being by his side. Plus they can stop any stories in the press. I loved the friendship between them, which slowly developed into love.Annie Claydon is a new to me author, one I will be on the look out for more books.Highly recommended for fans of contemporary romance.
Doctor versus doctor! This story was fast paced and had sweet aspects. The friendship that developed between them was fun to watch and once they began to have romantic interest, it picked up a little bit. Overall, an enjoyable read!Dr. Hugo DeLeon knows they say doctors make the worst patients, but he's hoping to get out of being a patient at all because he doesn't need to be watched by this doctor his father, the King, is insisting on hiring.Dr. Penelope Maitland is happy for the time away from London where she just got out from under a precarious work experience with an unpleasant boss. She quickly starts to appreciate the position Hugo is in and agrees to help him ease back into work, but when her past comes back to rear it's ugly head, they find themselves pretending to be engaged to stop the media storm that's about to hit!
From Doc to Princess by Annie ClaydonDoctors make the worse patients. Dr Hugo DeLeon is not only a doctor but a prince as well. His father hires Dr Penelope Maitland to watch over Hugo after he has heart surgery and manage his hectic schedule so he can recover. She is between jobs due to a very unpleasant experience with her last boss. This puts Hugo and Penelope in a interesting position as Hugo does not want the details of his health condition to be made public. There is only one way they can do this.A good read.
Dr. Hugo DeLeon is also a prince, who has a special link to heart disease and a little pediatric heart patient called Nadine . So being so involved trying to get a clinic built the last thing he thought would be that he himself would be a patient with a heart problem. Enter Dr. Nell Maitland hired by the King to take care of his son Hugo who just had a pace maker installed. Hugo does not want anyone to know of his condition so Nell constantly stays next to his left side to keep his arm and shoulder protected till the incision heels and he is declared healthy. Just protecting his left side becomes a little more to both of them as feeling start to grow, then to keep it a secret they pretend an engagement. Pretend is tough for both as they start to fall in love. A truly lovely romance with enough medical to make it informative. You will love little Nadine and again this author writes a story with an HEA you wanted from the minute they met.
Author Annie Claydon brings us a medical/classic romance in "From Doctor to Princess." Dr. Nell Maitland became a private physician to Dr. Hugo DeLeon and finds that doctors make the worst patients. She must also pretend to be engaged to Hugo who is also a Prince.
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